Tamyia`s a great high-quality model 1:72 scale.
Vosper & Company was a British shipbuilding firm founded in 1871 and came to specialize in small craft. During WWII, the company became well known for their motor torpedo boat designs. After the war, Vosper continued to develop small fast patrol craft, one of which was the Brave Class. These boats were equipped with 3 Bristol Proteus engines, which powered the boat to top speeds of over 50 knots. They were armed with one 40mm Bofors cannon, two 20mm Oerlikon cannons, and four torpedoes. The Perkasa was one of several Brave Class boats exported to the Royal Malaysian Navy.
About Me
- Alexander Blokhin
- "With 30 years of modelling experience, Alexander Blokhin is recognized as one of the leading experts in this fascinating art. His models can be admired at many maritime museums. Lucky collectors won pieces of art who were built on commission. A painter and master carver who brings his unique gifts to his work, Blokhin produces works of art that excite. From a diorama of an Indian ocean Dhow to the "Titanic", from a Greek Trireme to Drake`s "Golden Hind". His vast and scholar knowledge of maritime history assures authenticity of the model down to the last tiniest detail. Whether he builds a shiny quot "just launched" or a weathered version of the boat or ship, it is love at first sight and a treasure to cherish and enjoy for many long years." --- Meir Ben-Zeev MHVC & MHC
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Vosper Fast Patrol Boat Perkasa
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Is it piossible to now the exact dimension of this?
thanx you very much
Hi.I just happened upon your web site . I worked as a boatbuilder at Vosper's in Portchester from 1965 until 1968 when I left to come to Canada. Seeing the model of your fast patrol boat has brought back so many memories ... one being the near capsize of one that I was on during sea trials. I still have photographs taken on board when we were underway and some of a launching(perkasa I think).Is there a kit available for sale?
Regards, Tony Trevellick.
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